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(Please add) building a professional ID in the 21st century

Expected Outcomes

Expected Outcomes


We live in an era of individual “personalization and customization”. The read and write web has helped develop a new concept - “do it yourself and your own way” . This phenomenon has had implications in our society at its different levels - from the way people learn to the new, emerging jobs and employment needs. This worksop aims at providing awareness the way the web can empower the individual not only to learn, but also to present what, how and with whom he/she learns.

Online Workshop

Target Audience

The workshop is aimed at and teacher trainers who already have some initial experience with web 2.0 environments and online communities and who would like to explore the experience in depth and in a collaborative way.


The workshop is sponsored by:

Communications Media

We will use different tools to connect to participants:

Social Network Description
Ning Workshop's "Headquarters" - will be the main interaction channel
WiZIQ synchronous sessions
Skype personalized mentoring and office hours
pb-Wiki collaboration and sharing of resources developed by participants
Twitter/twemes sharing of resources and spontaneous micro-conversation
groups/digital-idDiigo collaborative sharing of links
Blog reflections and comments

Course Duration

  • 6 weeks

Course Outline

course outline


MOSEP ePortfolio

Download Book ePEARL Software or Electronic Portfolio Encouraging Active Reflective Learning was designed to encourage self-regulation in learners (parents, students, and teachers) within student-centred curricula. ePearl is available for free installation




Final Work