Destination Australia & UK
What is a tourist destination? Is it a hotel, city,country or region, Bierman (2003, P.2) defines a destination as “a country, state, region, city or town which is marketed or markets itself as a place for tourists to visit.”
This course will provide you with a clear understanding of what constitutes the all-around product - the tourist destination. Read the Course guideto gain a better understanding of the requirements of the course - the learning outcomes are listed below.
Otago Polytechnic will be running this course from 2011. If you would like to join this course, please contact Hillary Jenkins.
Learning Objectives
1. Demonstrate an understanding of visitors needs at a destination
2. Demonstrate general and location specific tourism knowledge of the destination
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the geographical and climatic features of the destination
Student Pages
Destination Australia
Destination United Kingdom