Destination (Generic)/Activities/Blog Activity
For students to gain a thorough understanding of the value of reflection and evaluation for the successful completion of a team focused project.
Record progress of a project via a weblog/private facebook page - therefore building a portfolio for reflection and evaluation. This document will be a detailed account of the task and is required to contain reflection of practice (what did or didn't work and why). This activity is worth 20% of your total mark.
To support this practice your lecturer will provide feedback to each of your posts and keep their own "Reflective Practice Journal" via comments on facebook.
Create a new team blog and record the following:
- team contract, goals and timeline with individual tasks
- team members attendance at meetings/class sessions
- discussion and evidence of collaboration rather than just cooperation at team and committee meetings
- research progress
- action points from meetings
- feedback from class sessions
- project planning progression - especially adherence to timeline for project
- questions or queries for tutor feedback
Additionally - each participant is required to post a summary of the project and team progress to date and future action points (with who is responsible)onto the blog/facebook page, from each meeting. These posts should provide an element of reflection. Read the supporting resources below to assist with this.