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Peptide bond:bond b/n two amino acids in formation of a protein or a polypeptide.

Aestivation:mode of arrangement of petals in a flower.

Active transport:transport ofmolecules across plasma membrane.

Passive transport:transport of molecules across plasma membrane without any loss of energy.

Uricotelic:Nanimal is said to be uricotelic if it converts the nitrogenous wastes into uric acid.

Staminode:sterile stamen.

Amisogamous:fusion of 2 gametes which are dissimilar in size and shape.

Glicosidic bond:bond b/n 2 monosaccharides in formation of a polysaccharide.

Herbarium:a type of a store house inwhich plant species are preserved on sheets in dried form.

Biological museum:a place where the plant and animals are preserved for and colleges.

Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria:bacteria which oxidises the inorganic substances to produce energy.

Heterotrophic bacteria: bacteria which do not syntheized their food itself and lives as parasite on other animals.

saprophytes: which absorb soluble organic matter from dead organisms for their food.

lichen:symbiotic assotiation of fungi withan algae.

Micorhizza:symbiotic assotiation offungiwith roots of higher plants.

plasmogamy:fusion of protoplasms of motile and non-motile gametes.

karyogamy:fusion of two nuclei.

protonema:first stage of life cycle of moss in which a spore give rise to the adult directly.

staminode: sterile stamen of a plant.

poikilotherms;animals those temprature varies with the temprature of environment.