Day in the life of a tourist/Activities/Characteristics of Tourism
Unit Standard 23766 – V1, Level 3, Credit 5 - Demonstrate knowledge of the tourism industry
Element 1, PC 1.1,1.2 - Demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between tourism and travel
Element 2, PC 2.5 - Travel wholesalers and travel retailers are described in terms of their key roles
Assessment Activity
Roles and their relationships in the tourism industry - to be wordprocessed and handed in by Tuesday 03 March.
Describe relationships and key roles in the tourism and travel industry
1 a. Describe 5 key characteristics of tourism
Describe the relationship in New Zealand between the travel and tourism industries for:
2 a. Inbound Tourism
2 b. Outbound Tourism
2 c. Domestic Tourism
Describe the key roles of the travel wholesalers and travel retailers in their relationships with clients and with the principals/suppliers.
3 a. Key roles of travel wholesalers
3 b. Key roles of travel retailers
- Tourism Knowledge - glossary
- D & D Travel Services -glossary