Day in the life of a tour guide/Activities/Legislation
Unit Standard 23768 - Describe the legal rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in a tourism workplace - Level 3, Credit 5, Version 1- Element 3
Describe the provisions of health and safety legislation in relation to a tourism workplace
The Health and Safety in Employment Act requires all employers to take all practicable steps to ensure the safety and health of employees and others while at work.
The following are the duties of employers under the Act.
1. Please complete the sentences from the options provided.
Identify and manage .......... by either eliminating them, isolating them or minimising them
Provide suitable ........... clothing and equipment for staff
Provide ........ information, training and/or supervision so that work is done safely
Monitor the........ of employees to ensure that their work is not having a detrimental effect on their health
Provide opportunities for their contribute to all of the above
Safety, hazards, health, protective, staff
2. Please answer the following multi choice questions relating to the responsibilities of employees
a) You are a new employee at Madcap Adventures and you have been provided with protective safety clothing.
i. Its not your favourite colour, so you don’t wear it
ii. It is very uncomfortable so you only wear it when the supervisor is watching
iii. Wear it because it is provided to keep you safe
b) You are concerned that the jet boat you are driving has not been maintained in the last year and you are concerned about its safety.
i. Forget it because you are not paid enough to worry
ii. Report the facts to your supervisor/manager
iii. Get your mate, who is a mechanic, to check the boat
c) The tour company has scheduled a meeting for all staff to discuss the new Health and Safety regulations.
i. Not attend because you already have your first aid certificate
ii. You are aware that you are responsible for your own safety and the safety of others at your work place so you go to the meeting
iii. You are too busy to attend
d) In your role as coach driver/tour escort, you have just returned from a 21 day trip and you are extremely tired. Your manager has requested you escort another 21 day tour departing the next morning.
i. Escort the tour because you need the extra money
ii. Explain you are extremely tired and refuse to drive because it will not be safe for you or the passengers
iii. The tour company was very supportive during a recent illness so you feel obliged to escort the tour
3. Please provide two examples of breaches of the Health and Safety in Employment Act in the tourism area. You must state penalties and fines imposed. You must reference your sources or provide copies of the information.