Day in the life of a retail travel agent/Activities/Travel Agent's tasks
Unit standard 18237-V2, Level 2, Credit 3 - Perform calculations for a tourism workplace. Element 1 (PC 1.3, 1.4) Unit standard 23763 - V1, Level 3, Credit 2 - Describe and process retail payments in a tourism workplace. Element 2 (PC2.1) Unit standard 24872 - V1, Level 3, Credit 3 - Produce documents for a workplace using a computer. Element 1 (PC 1.1, 1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5)Element 2 (PC 2.1,2.2)
You are a retail travel consultant employed by Dunedin Corporate Travel, 348 George Street, Dunedin. Phone 03 4883 287. The conference co-ordinator at the Mission Estate Winery has requested you confirm flight and accommodation reservations for the Wine Institute of New Zealand's annual conference in October.
Task One
- Please acknowledge receipt of the request to the conference organiser by email to the contact advised ( PC2.1)
From your group's conference pack you will have details of travel arrangements for the following bookings
- Barossa Valley Wine Society
- Mr James Brosnan
Task Two
- You must complete a proposed itinerary and quote for the two reservations and forward Mr Brosnan's to his email address and the Wine Institute's to the conference co-ordinator's email address at the Mission Estate Winery. The itinerary and quote must be sent as separate attachments.(US24872 PC1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5 PC2.2)
Your itinerary must be of a professional standard and include the following
- Check in times for all transport
- All flight times and flight numbers
- Insurance details
- Accommodation details
- Any relevant booking conditions and information
Task Three
- Complete a booking form for each booking and record on each form all necessary information. You must include details of accommodation, flights, airport transfers and insurance and the correct GST and commission. (US18237 PC1.3,1.4)
Task Four
- Mr Brosnan has advised he wishes to pay for his travel by Eft pos when he is in Dunedin next week. Please role play actioning this payment. (US23763 PC2.1)