DS4OERS NUS/Image resource/Find image for teaching resource

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In this section, you will look for one or more open images to include in a printable teaching resource you'll create for use in your classroom. This is the first step in the OER process, that is, to find open resources.

Stimulus resources

The image thumbnails below provide examples of resources that were created using openly licensed images found on the Internet and adapted in LibreOffice Writer to produce printable PDFs for use in a classroom (click on the download links to see the worksheets).

Icon activity line.svg
Activity: Find image(s) for a printable teaching resource
  1. Think of a lesson you will be teaching in the near future, or your favourite teaching topic where you can use a printable teaching resource, for example a:
    • worksheet
    • group classroom activity
    • homework activity
    • photo essay activity, where an image is used as a starting point for the student, etc.
  2. Think of photographs or images that would enhance your printable resource, and identify potential search terms
  3. Find one or two openly licensed images for your resource. There are a number of options to source images, including:
  4. Don't forget to keep notes on the source, URLs etc you will need for attributing the images using TASL. You can use the following table in a LibreOffice writer document:

    AuthorFull name of copyright holder goes here
    Author linkURL of Author's home page on flickr goes here
    Source linkShort Flickr URL for direct link to image goes here
    CC licenceCC licence type and version goes here
    Licence linkLink to the CC licence deed goes here

  5. Download and save the images you have chosen for your project

Before you start work on producing your print resource using LibreOffice writer, we will provide a few tips on common mistakes to avoid.