Creating effective business presentations/Survey of presentation contexts/Video Signpost Blake

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Be so good they can't ignore you.

—Steve Martin

If you are ever asked to give an interview to the media (including newspaper journalists, television reporters, radio presenters, and so on), there are some important things you can do to help you prepare, and some fundamental things to avoid.

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Watch this video [5:59 min.] in which Susan Blake provides advice on key ways to prepare for media interviews. These include:

  • doing your research,
  • clarifying your three central messages,
  • identifying engaging story elements, and
  • practising your self-presentation skills.

In this second video [5:09 min.], the presenter gives practical advice on how to prepare for the six basic questions journalists ask in most situations: Who, What, Why, Where, When, and How.

Now watch this short video [1:21min.] in which Noeleen McGrath provides tips on three common mistakes made in media interviews.

Did anything surprise you in these videos? What advice do you think is most useful? Share your thoughts here.

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