Creating effective business presentations/Developing business presentations/Video signpost - Padron

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Any time you get an audience that's paying attention, you enjoy it more.

—Natasha Hamilton

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In this video - Damian Padron: Examples of Attention Getters [2:36 min.] - you'll see examples of four leaders in different fields opening their speeches in different ways (with humour, a story, a quotation, a rhetorical question, and/or a striking statement), in order to engage the audience.

Do you think any particular method is more successful than the others? Why or why not?

In our second video - BananaMana TV: Andrew Bryant of Self-Leadership International: Ep 10. How to Answer Questions on Your Presentation. [3:55 min.] - Bryant encourages you to welcome questions because they show you have engaged your audience; your audience wants to know more. He offers tips on how to

  • anticipate challenging questions,
  • suggest questions to stimulate discussion, and
  • paraphrase audience questions to demonstrate respectful listening.

Bryant also suggests specific strategies to address possible audience concerns and questions to which you don’t know the answer, or that indicate a conflicting agenda, illustrated with practical business examples.

This final video – Stanford Graduate School of Business: Answering Tough Questions. [11:01 min.] - provides effective, respectful response strategies for questions to which you don’t know the answer, cannot give the answer, or when you are ‘guilty as charged.’ The speakers provide practical business examples of these questions and demonstrate how to address them through an entertaining ‘do’s and don’ts’ role-play approach.

Which advice do you think is most useful? Was there anything that surprised you in these videos? Share your thoughts here.

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