Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. |
AboutThe use of a professional portfolio is very valuable for supporting reflective practice. Participants plan and begin to develop a portfolio for recording evidence and reflections about their professional practice. | |||
Course facilitators
Register now ...For enrolment enquiries: contact 0800762786 within New Zealand or email edc enquiries Enquiries about the content of the course: email contact Bronwyn Hegarty edit
Discussion forumA Moodle discussion forum will be used for several activities in the course. This is offered as there are off-site participants, and the forum is an organised way for everyone to communicate their ideas at anytime to the class. |
Course scheduleOver the 10 weeks of the course, there will be five fortnightly class sessions held on-site with online options. All workshop times - face-to-face and online - are on the weekly schedule which will be published in the near future. In the meantime, you may wish to view the Course Outline. Although class sessions are optional, you are advised to attend as many sessions as possible to take advantage of the opportunity to share your experience with others. You will also be buddied with a mentor so you get the support you require. edit
Web conferencingClick for the Online meetings - these will be conducted on Elluminate. No password is needed, just enter your name.
IT supportContact the Student Service Desk for technical computing assistance, e.g., Elluminate (computer conferencing) is available from Otago Polytechnic by phone and email. Check out the website for the list of services.
Ensure you tell them your name, lecturer's name, name of the course, and a brief description of the problem. They may ask for your username as well. |