Periodic Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB)

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Tutorial.png Unit 7 

Introduction | Incremental Budgeting | Zero-Based Budgeting | Periodic Zero-Based Budgeting | Service-Level Budgeting | Performance-Based Budgeting

Because of the work required to produce a Zero-Based Budget on an annual basis, some institutions carry out this exercise periodically, once every three to five years. Ideally, work on the periodic ZBB is combined with strategic planning activities which follow a similar cycle. In this way, the time demands of the ZBB process can be reduced.

Questions that should be asked as part of a combined Strategic Planning/ ZBB exercise include:

  • Is there measurable evidence of the value of this activity?
  • What would happen if the activity was not carried out?
  • Are there less costly or more effective ways to achieve the same objectives?
  • Where does the activity fit into the ranking of institutional priorities?
  • Would the benefits be greater if we spend the available funds on another activity?