Corporate communication/Review notes for CCOM103
Set up transclusion link for course text -
Add links to the WP sites for the micro-course on the About page- done -
Replace text on the Learning challenges with generic descriptions rather than the detail of a specific challenge.- done -
Cite the actual CC license for the Saylor acknowledgement on the Acknowledgement pages- Done
Need to prepare email announcements for each session (see for example CSF101 - click on the Course announcements bar.) -
Remove additional spaces on pages where two or more iDevices follow each other. -
Need a page or reference on one of the course guide pages referencing the recommended text.- done -
Set up transclusion links for the recommended text for use across the course.<s/> - <s>Each video should be contained within its own IDevice template (this is needed for learner analytics reasons so we can track engagement.) -done
Course needs more WEnote post prompts, eg after watching a video or reading activity - taking into account our technical limitation that we currently can't include more than one WEnote post box on a page. -
All videos should be left aligned (for mobile devices). Recommend W=420px and H=236 for video templates. -
Where possible, try to include at least one task oriented / dedicated topic substantive discussion per learning pathway in addition to the general forum. -
Encourage learners to share the outputs of learning by specifically inviting a blog post. See for example how CSF101 incorporates an [Creating_sustainable_futures/CSF101/Learning_journal optional|blog]] as part of a learning journal. Providing prompts in the text reminds learners and promotes peer-learning interactions. -
All learning challenges should have output statements providing learners with an idea of the scope of what must be produced and some indication of what constitutes good performance.
Syllabus Page:
- Adapt the Syllabus page to follow the format of CSF101
- Set up transclusion for Session dates.
Start here page:
Create website accounts needs updating. Learner's don't need a WikiEducator account. See CSF101 as example.Use the same link as CSF101 for new participant survey. Link must be transcluded - not inserted in the page in case we change this in the future.
More notes from Wayne:
I also set up the transclusion link for the New participant survey. This is listed on the course planning page. (We are using the same survey for all the courses.)
In response to your queries:
1. I checked - the feeds were already set up for CCOM103 and CCOM102 (but CCOM101 was missing - so I added that to the site - you could have copied the syntax and amended for the local course. This didn't need any set up on my end.)
2. Remember - you need to be logged into the site (WikiEducator or WordPress to see the post text area box.)
3. I set general forums for each of the micros.
4. Remember that you have an account on with the necessary trust levels to create topics for the micro courses.
5. I'd like the general forums to be used for general discussion (rather than dedicated discussion topics.)
6. I'd like each micro-course to have two or three dedicated discussion forums on a content related topic. As a seasoned designer, you will know which topics lend themselves for open discussion.
Create website accounts needs updating. Learner's don't need a WikiEducator account. See CSF101 as example.
Use the same link as CSF101 for new participant survey. Link must be transcluded - not inserted in the page in case we change this in the future.