Continuous Assessment

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Participants should be able to:

  1. define continuous assessment and identify the characteristics of good assessments
  2. differentiate between formative and summative assessments
  3. identify various strategies for conducting continuous assessments
  4. create activities for a lesson of their choice using any two of the strategies and indicate how they would use the information from the assessments
  5. design a rubric

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Think - Pair - Share

Discuss these questions with your neighbour:

  1. What is continuous assessment?
  2. What are the characteristics of good assessments?
  3. Why do we assess?

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Characteristics of Good Assessments
  1. Assess the impact of the instruction provided to students;
  2. Help teachers to ensure that all students are making progress;
  3. Help teachers and students to focus on areas of lessons or lesson topics not yet mastered or learnt well enough to act as solid prerequisites for further learning.
  4. Enable students to recognize the areas in which they are having difficulty and to concentrate their efforts in those areas
  5. Provide opportunities to delve into the thinking behind students’ answers, not just when the answers are wrong but also when they are correct.
  6. Enable students to recognize the areas in which they are having difficulty and to concentrate their efforts in those areas
  7. Provide opportunities to delve into the thinking behind students’ answers, not just when the answers are wrong but also when they are correct.
  8. Provides fuel for teaching and learning by offering descriptive feedback.
  9. Has the potential, not only to measure and report learning but also, to promote it.
  10. Provides the kind of specific, personalized and timely information needed to guide both teaching and learning.
  11. Help teachers to understand importance of feedback.
  12. Allows teachers to use continuous assessment not only to check student’s prior knowledge, understanding and skill.

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Choose a grade, subject and topic.
Outline FormativeAND Summative Assessment activities for the topic chosen. Be sure to state:

  • What you are assessing.
  • The assessment methods you would use.
  • How you would use the information in the assessment.