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Welcome to the Connectivism and Connective Knowledge Online Course support wiki. 欢迎来到“连接主义和知识连接线上课程”的课程维基界面原始链接。

Conference tags: CCK08


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Please enter your email address here if you'd like to be involved (either for free participation or to enroll for credit).


Course blog is available here

Description 课程描述

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is a twelve week course that will explore the concepts of connectivism and connective knowledge and explore their application as a framework for theories of teaching and learning. It will outline a connectivist understanding of educational systems of the future. George Siemens and Stephen Downes – the two leading figures on connectivism and connective knowledge - will co-facilitate this innovative and timely course.

“连接主义和连接的知识”(简称“连接课程”),是一个12周的课程我们开始探讨连接主义的概念和知识之间的连接,继而探究其在教和学上的应用,也同时勾画出了一幅连接主义者视角下的未来教育图景,George Siemens and Stephen Downes 两位连接主义知识下的领军人物将会一起引导这个极具创新意识同时也很及时的课程。

– This course will help participants make sense of the transformative impact of technology in teaching and learning over the last decade. The voices calling for reform do so from many perspectives, with some suggesting 'new learners' require different learning models, others suggesting reform is needed due to globalization and increased competition, and still others suggesting technology is the salvation for the shortfalls evident in the system today. While each of these views tell us about the need for change, they overlook the primary reasons why change is required.


The course will begin in September 2008.


Weekly Topics

  • Week 1: What is Connectivism?(什么是连接主义)
  • Week 2: Rethinking epistemology: Connective knowledge(对知识的重新思考:连接中的知识)
  • Week 3: Properties of Networks(网路连接的特征)
  • Week 4: History of networked learning(连接学习的历史)
  • Week 5: Connectives and Collectives: Distinctions between networks and groups(连接和集合:互联和小组的区别)
  • Week 6: Complexity, Chaos and Research(复杂,混乱和研究)
  • Week 7: Instructional design and connectivism(教学设计,和连接主义)
  • Week 8: Power, control, validity, and authority in distributed environments(力量控制信度以及分散式学习环境下的权威)
  • Week 9: What becomes of the teacher? New roles for educators(新时代下的教师角色)
  • Week 10: Openness: social change and future directions(开放:社会变化和未来的方向)
  • Week 11: Systemic change: How do institutions respond?(系统变化:机构、学校如何顺应变化?)
  • Week 12: The Future of Connectivism(连接主义的未来)

Method (参与方式)

Each week, will include a series of readings, recorded presentations and podcasts. During the week, a "live session" will be held in elluminate. These sessions will include a combination of presentation and discussion. Asynchronous discussion will be held in Moodle. All events will be open to the public. 每周的内容包括阅读材料,录制的报告,以及播客,在每周的学习中,还会有一个现场互动的环节在ellumnate中进行,包含报告以及讨论。非同步的讨论会在moodle(大陆有的翻译为魔灯)中进行,所有的活动都会对对公众自由开放)

Those students who have paid to enroll, however, will be asked to complete assignments that will be marked for credit. 付费参与的学生,需要完成相应的课业以获得学分。

The course will be delivered fully online in a combination of synchronous and asynchronous formats. Learners will use a variety of different technologies representative of the inherent socially connective nature of learning today. Technologies used during the course will be freely available as open source or open access. 课程讲授方式是全部线上的方式,掺杂同步和非同步的讨论,鼓励大家使用符合社会化特征的技术工具交流学习,本课程中使用的工具技术将会是开源的或者是公开的。

Learning materials and resources will also be confined to freely available online resources. In certain instances, students who have formally enrolled, access will be given to journal articles that might be behind a subscription wall. Original resources and research cited during the course may also not be freely available online. Resources with access barriers will be kept to a minimum.


Enrolling in the course 参加课程

This course has two components: 1) open online for discussion, presentation, and associated resources, 2) for learners seeking credit or wishing formal feedback, paid enrollment. As such, all material will be freely posted online. Discussion will be held in an open Moodle forum (participation will require free registration) and all presentations will be freely available (and archived).

本课程有两个部分:1)自由开放的线上的讨论,简报,以及相应的资源给出,2)付费希望获得学分以及得到反馈的学习者 所有的材料会公布在网路上,讨论也会在一个开放的moodle的论坛中(参与者需要注册)并且提供简报等材料(也会有记录)

Participants who wish to receive formal recognition can register to complete the course through University of Manitoba. More information will be posted shortly. Participants completing the course for formal credit will be asked to complete a series of assignments and will receive feedback from the facilitators.


This course is offered with the Extended Education Faculty of University of Manitoba in association with the Learning Technologies Centre.

本课程是和继续教育部,以及学习技术中心 提供支持的。

Facilitators 课程辅助者

Stephen Downes: "Stephen is perhaps best known for his daily research newsletter, OLDaily (short for Online Learning Daily), which reaches thousands of readers across Canada and around the world. His work also includes the development of educational content syndication systems such as Edu_RSS and DLORN along and the design of a digital rights management system for learning resources. Stephen is also frequently to be found the road giving seminars and lectures on the field of online learning, including the notable Buntine Oration delivered in Perth, Australia, in October, 2004."

Stephen Downes Stephen 可能最出名的就是他的线上学习日志,在加拿大和全世界拥有成千上万读者,他的工作主要集中在设计教育聚合的系统比如 Edu_RSS 以及DLORN 项目,以及设计学习资源的版权管理系统。Stephen也经常出现在线上学习的舞台上,经常做报告或者工作坊等,比如在著名的2004年10月份在澳大利亚Perth召开的 Buntine Oration 做的报告”

George Siemens: "Associate Director, Research and Development with the Learning Technologies Centre at University of Manitoba. Founder and President of Complexive Systems Inc., a learning lab focused on assisting organizations develop integrated learning structures to meet the needs of global strategy execution. Author of - Knowing Knowledge - an exploration of how the context and characteristics of knowledge have changed, and what it means to organizations today."

George Siemens 是Manitoba大学学习技术中心的副主任,也是复杂学习系统的创始人,帮助机构建立整合的学习系统迎接全球战略背景下需要。同时也是《理解知识》一书的作者:该书阐述了知识变化的背景和特点,以及对于机构的意义。


A course planning session is scheduled for July 27th at 8pm Eastern US time at See the Connectivism Planning Page for more details.

将在7月27日 当地时间晚8点(美国东部时间)在 开展一个课程的前期讨论,你也可以在[连接主义课程策划页面]中看到更多的细节部分。

该课程本页面遵守创作共享协议的 创作协议共享分类:CCK08 Members