Computer Programming

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SMS Code EE404001 Level 4 Credits 6 Total Hours 60 Contact Hours 60 Work Experience Hours Nil Self Directed Hours 0 NQF Units/Other Components contained are:

Aims To develop students’ understanding of computer programming in a procedural language context with an engineering bias.

Learning Outcomes At the successful completion of this course, students will be able to: • Understand and manipulate data types; • Create and depict data structures including compound data structures; • Perform a range of I/O (input and output) activities; • Handle resources efficiently; • Develop and depict algorithms as solutions to elementary problems; • Combine algorithms and data structures into efficient and effective codes featuring procedures (functions) and scope rules; • Comment code in English.

Content • Data types, including data types and casting; • Selection, sequence, iteration, recursion, functions and scope rules; • Arithmetical and logical computation; • I/O handling; • Resource handling; • Data structures and depiction; • Algorithm design and depiction.

Learning/Teaching Methods • Screen capture movies with commentary for learning application and language programming systems; • Graphic, language content-reduced approaches to programme design; • Lectures; • Tutorials.

Assessment One theory test (20%) One practical test (20%) Two assignments (30% each, total 60%)

Attendance Requirements 90%

Completion requirements To complete this course, students must meet the attendance requirements and achieve an aggregate of 50% or greater. Literature References for Curriculum Development Nil Student Reading List Nil