Community Media/MARAA/Gender Education
Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. |
Inherent violence?
Aggression, intimidation- responses adopted by both animals and humans
WOMAN, her BODY and TRANSACTION over the self, earth and man, relationship- violence through culture and civilisation.
Biology- social order, organisation, hierarchy- social organisation- convenience? Indian cultural perspectives? Accuracy- convenience
Concept of power?- patriarchy- humiliation? Woman as medium of…
Class and manifestations of social organisation- partriarchy
Role of women
Male studies, male addressal, male involvement ?
My take
-violence cannot be a smudge event/phenomenon
Categorize it, take steps to handle it
Categorize it based on all the different methodologies
Community study of gender interactions-
“Pure” violence- manipulation, to fill need, escape with culture cloak- unacceptable
Equality? Gender? achievable? does one need to look for equality for/of gender(s)?
"Gender queer" research on individuals- male/female binary- expanding, "going beyond"
Gender work- to go beyond the binary
With the gender differentiated
With the gender questing/learners- sexuality education
Possibilities- work with all possibilities
Work within the framework of morality/cultural norms but push boundaries- without rejecting it
Binaries in this field- exposure- teen pregnancy, basic facts
Sexual practice, sexual experience
Sexual beliefs- sexual depiction
Sexual ideology- linked to other aspects- areas
Sex Education- act, biological gender, organ biology working to produce cellular biology, possibilities of union, biological processes- birth centric
Sexuality education- body, mind, molecular biology acting on, and making malleable cellular biology-
Brainy brain- animalus- cortical- evolutionary structure- amygdala- studies- regions of the brain- a map of sex, food, territory
Social and animal conflict
The dual nature- nature, survival
Co-existence, circle of life?
Greedy gene- propogation- perpetration
Gene as a life of its own- pushing its way forward- sexual, biological urge- slave to your gene
Gene unit- biology
Cortex- thalamus- processing unit- culture, gender ideas, etc
Defense, mating, food- competition- gender- roles- design?????
Factor- competition for mating, food and competition for share- power
Culture, social organisation, I-dent-ity. new force of power
Ideas of self- socialization- cultural socialization (vs instinctive, "biological" socialization)
Optimization- cortical ideas- in conflict with animalus- restraint- results, long term? Planning?
Concepts of purity:
Purity could be associated with hygiene and disease (of all sorts) but soon transformed into some abstract form of inner and bodily, moral purity. – what led to this idea of inner refinement as a concept?
Phases of manhood- conflicts- love and romance- notions of woman- womanhood
Asceticism and practice- success and failure- reasons- notions
Indian references to sexual relating, gender codes: The manu smriti as a document
Manu smriti- concepts of incest- notions of senses- powerful
Manu’s woman- motherhood encompassed, transgressed. Sexuality- passion- tameness- civil code? Refinement?
Seizing place, seizing power- reclaiming space, power. Dynamic negotiations