Commonwealth Computer Navigator's Certificate/Milestone qualityAssurance/Observation Sheet

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Module Usability Testing: Obervation Sheet

You will be observing [1 or 2] people as they use the module material. (The main focus is ‘ease of use’.)


· try to answer as few questions as possible—we wish to ascertain how the user reacts to the material.

· observe how they use the course material and note any ease or difficulties they may have.

· record your notes and be ready to discuss any observations you have made.

Thank you.


Module: ___________________________________

User (initials) ___________________________________

Observer (name) ___________________________________

Date: ___________________________________

User Observation

A. Navigation

Reads the introduction.
Finds specific information easily on the page.
Navigates sequentially.
Appears to understand what to do.

B. Ease of use

How many times did user ask you for help? Describe when, how etc.
Did the user get lost in the material? Describe where, how etc.

C. Comments

Do you have any comments to make?
Bug report.