Commonwealth Computer Navigator's Certificate/Milestone 1
From WikiEducator
TARGET DATE: 15 February 2007
- Invite participation from founding educational institutions to take responsibility as Module Coordinators representing Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific
- Negotiate broad terms of reference for the project
Progress Report
- Negotiate TORs with Open Polytechnic of New Zealand (OPNZ) for:
- Co-ordination of the development working with Module developers
- Lead curriculum mapping exercise
- Collaborative development of Instructional Design Template
- Status - TORs on draft contract agreed and contract signed
- Negotiate TORs with Indira Ghandi National Open University (Asia) for:
- Developing two modules
- Instituting procedures for local certification
- Working collaboratively with OPNZ on instructional Design Template
- Participate in curriculum mapping exercise
- Status - TORs on draft contract agreed and contract signed
- Negotiate TORs with University of the West Indies, Distance Education Centre (Caribbean) for:
- Developing one module
- Instituting procedures for local certification
- Working collaboratively with OPNZ on instructional Design Template
- Participate in curriculum mapping exercise
- Status - TORs on draft contract agreed and contract received
- Negotiate TORs with University of the Western Cape (Africa) for:
- Developing one module
- Instituting procedures for local certification
- Working collaboratively with OPNZ on instructional Design Template
- Participate in curriculum mapping exercise
- Status - TORs on draft contract agreed and contract signed
- Discuss participation of the World Campus, Penn State University for:
- Participation in discussions on learning design
- Participation in developing one module
- Identifying new modules relevant to the World Campus market
- Note: World Campus would be participating as a community service institution and are donating their time to the project
- Status - Agreement to participate confirmed.
- Negotiate TORs with Wawasan Open University, Malaysia:
- Developing one module
- Instituting procedures for local certification
- Working collaboratively with OPNZ on instructional Design Template
- Participate in curriculum mapping exercise
- Status - TORs on draft contract agreed and contract signed
Outstanding tasks
- Finalise contract with consultant to develop module 5