Catagory: NGO profile

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Organizational Profile

1. General Information:

1.1 Name of NGO: Samaj Jagoron O Unnayan Kendra (SJOUK). Date of Formation: 21 January, 1997

1.2 Address of Offices:

Head Office Address:

SJOUK, Professor Colony, College road, Gaibandha. : Mobile-01712-532003, 01712-219506.

Branch Office and location: 1 (One).

Village: Roushanbag, Post: Roushanbag, Upazila: Palashbari, Gaibandha. Mobile-01717-507625.

Project Office Address: 1 (One).

SJOUK Poultry Firm & Research Center, Professor Colony, College road, Gaibandha. : Mobile-0172-0155730.

1.3 Legal Status:

SJAUK is registered with the Department of Social Services. The registration number is Gai/Sadar/377/97. Dated- 21.01.1997

1.4 Target Clientele:

The poor and disadvantaged men and women of different occupation including children and disabled people in the society are the target population of SJOUK. The criteria for selecting the target beneficiaries are as under: -Men, women and children who sell their manual labor for survival. -Poor but hard working people. -Marginal farm families who contains below 0.50 decimal of land and having no seed money for income generating activities. -Families owning only the homestead plot. -Widows having children but no earning member. -Divorced/Separated women of destitute families, and -Persons with disabilities. -Fishers community.

1.5 Vision: To create a poverty free society

1.6: Mission: A society where men & women both take initiative and work together to achieve self reliance and higher standard of living.

1.7 Objectives:

The overall objective of the organization is to support the exploited people for ensuring social right and help them to start and continue income generating activities for their better life. The specific objectives of the organization are as below.

-to encourage building of men and organization; -to raise awareness among the community and to ensure women access to and control over resources and benefits derived from the project; -to provide credit support for increasing income of target people especially for the target women; -to foster non-formal education for adults and the disadvantages children respectively, ensuring community involvement in this process; -to develop a capable human resource through skill and human development training. -to create awareness among the group members on health and environment and

To fulfill the above mentioned objectives SJOUK is working on the following component;

1. Institution building 2. Integrated Agriculture Development 3. Development of education 4. Training 5. Employment and income generation 6. Water, Health and Sanitation 7. Fishery 8. Poultry 9. Communal Chicken Hatchery 10. Disaster 11. Legal Aid 12. Human Rights.

1.8 Accounts:

SJOUK is operating two accounts in Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan bank and one account in Pubali bank under Gaibandha district. The account number is shown in below;

1) Savings-7104-Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, Gaibandha. 2) Savings- 2661, Pubali Bank, Gaibandha. 3) Current Account-33, Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank, Gaibandha.

The Current Accounting System of the Organization:

One (1) Current and two (2) savings bank accounts are being operated jointly by the Coordinator and accountant of the organization and overall direction by Chief Executive. When need money for project related expenditure the Coordinator/Accountant submit a tentative budget to the Executive Director and then Executive Director check and approved it if there is no correction.

1.9 Working Area: SJOUK activities are carried out in six upazilas and two pourasavas under Gaibandha, Nilfamari & Sirajganj district, as shown in below:

Name of District Name of Upazila Total Union Total Village Word Nos. Gaibandha Gaibandha Sadar 5 21 Pouroshava - - word No-4,5 Gobindaganj 1 5 - Palashbari 9 89 - Sirajganj Pouroshava - - All Words Nilfamari Domar 1 3 - Total = 06 16 118

1.10 Staffing:

Type off Staff Total Numbers Men Women Regular 28 20 08 Contractual 13 04 09 Volunteers 16 11 05 Total = 57 35 22

1.11 On going Projects/ Programs:

Number of Projects Major area of focus Project Location Beneficiaries Donors Key Components Category1: Water Management 01 Supplied irrigation water among the marginal farmers Four villages in Ramchandrapur union under Gaibandha Sadar thana 170 Own -Awareness -Identification of farmer -Irrigation and drainage -Fertilizer application -Pesticides application Category 2: Agriculture Development 02 Total 21acre land has leased and established integrated agriculture development project and Mango garden. Beside another GRARD project is palashbari upazila. Roghunathpur villages under Gaibandha sadar Upazila, All union of palashbari upazila and another is Dimla upazila under Nilfamary districts. 3000 Own/DAE/IDB Key Components -Awareness -Identification of farmer -Group formation -Training provide -Fertilizer application -Pesticides application Category 3: Fishery Program 2 Total 8 ponds have been taken leased. The organization provided fishing instrument, training to the organized group members and provided loan for cultivate fish. Roghunathpur villages under Gaibandha sadar Upazila and Talukgorabanda under Palashbari upazila under Gaibandha districts 150 Bangladesh NGO Foundation/Own -Identification of pond -Awareness -Group formation -Training -Fishing instrument supply -Sanctuary established -Credit Category 4: Non-formal Education 01 A total number of 10 non formal education centers have been set up Gaibandha sadar thana of Gaibandha districts. 300 Own/ DNFPE -Identify drop out children and illiterate women -Basic letters -Basic mathematics -Mother and child card -Primary health care Category 5: Income generation 02 A total number of Tk. 8, 25,000 has been distributed among the members. Gaibandha sadar thana of Gaibandha districts. 1050 Own -Identify potential group members -Group formation -Selection of the schemes -Provided Training Category 5 : Training 01 In each month near 10-20 beneficiaries get training on skill and human development. Gaibandha and Palashbari upazila. 650 German Embassy/BNF/Own -identify potential group members -Selection of the schemes -Provided Training Category 6: Women Empowerment 02 Provide legal aid support and creation employment opportunity of the women. Dist: Gaibandha Upazial: Sadar, Palashbari Union: Ramchandrapur, Betkapa & Pourasava, 350 German Embassy /Own -Awareness -Women violence -Addiction -Legal aid -Training -Group formation -Chicken supplies in fewer prices. -Loan disburse Category 7: Health and Nutrition 2 Aware the beneficiaries to drinking safe water and use sanitary latrine for sound health. Dist: Gaibandha Upazial: Sadar, Palashbari Union: Pourasava, Ramchandrapur, Betkapa 500 DPHE/Own/ADB -Awareness -Training -Linkage with others institution. -Community meeting -Sanitary Latrine distribution -Saline distribution Category 8: Human Rights and Good Governance 02 To established access in natural and social resources of the beneficiaries and aware them on their rights. Dist: Gaibandha Upazial: Sadar, Palashbari Union: Pourasava, Ramchandrapur, Betkapa 320 Own/Bangladesh NGO Foundation. Awareness Training Group formation Access established Day observation Seminar/Workshop Legal aid support Category 9: Community Based Disaster Management & Mitigation 02 Aware the community from disaster and provide necessary equipments according to need. Dist: Gaibandha Upazial: Sadar, Palashbari Union: Pourasava, Ramchandrapur, Betkapa 55 Own Awareness Training Workshop, seminar Disaster Prepare ness

1.12 Details Experience in Facilitating/Conducting Training in 2007:

Name of Training Course Duration of training course Number & type of participants Training Methodology Self Trainer (Num ber) Hired trainer (Num ber) UP NGO Private /Sector Type No Type No Type No Cow rearing 02 days - - NGO Staff, Group member 25 Farm owner 20 -Discussion -Group work 02 - Poultry Rearing 03 days - - ,, 100 ,, 10 -Discussion -Group work 02 - Leadership Dev. 05 days - - NGO Staff 30 ,, 20 -Discussion -Group work 01 01 Credit Mgt. 03 days - - NGO Staff 05 ,, - -Discussion -Group work 02 01 Accounting Mgt. 02 days - - NGO Staff, Group member 10 ,, 05 -Discussion -Group work 02 - Gender Balance & Empowerment 04 days - - ,, 25 ,, - -Discussion -Group work 01 - Vegetable cultivation 03 days - - ,, 60 ,, 10 -Discussion -Group work -Practical Class 03 - Total = 255 65

Partnership and Collaboration

2.1 Partnership with Government of Bangladesh:

SJOUK has had its partnership and cooperation with the following Government organizations;

• Department of Social Service • Department of Livestock • Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) • Department of Non-Formal Primary Education (DNFPE) • Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) • Department of Youth Development

2.2 Partnership with International organizations/ NGOs:

The Federal Republican of German Embassy, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Asian Development Bank (ADB). Islamic Development Bank (IDB).

2.3 Partnership with National organizations/ NGOs:

• Manab Seba Unnayan Sangstha (MUS), Pabna. • National Development Program (NDP), Sirajganj. • Gram kendra (Village Research and Services Center). C/13, Jakir Hossein Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207. • Sunamgonj Jonokallyan Sangstha (SUJON). 78 Upatteqa, Hasan Nagar, Sunamgonj.

2.4 Membership of Forum:

• Bangladesh NGO Foundation. • Gaibandha NGO Network • Disaster Forum • Sanitation Task Force • Nari Nirjaton Pratirod Committee.

2.5 Partnership with local organizations/ NGOs:

• Shadesh Unnayan Sangstha (SUS), Gaibandha. • Thikana-Mohila Unnayan Sangstha. Kushtia. • RSDP, Sunamganj. • RIGHT, Tulsighat, Gaibandha. • Samajik Ovikkhapan Committe, Roushanbag, Gaibandha. • KHANDARY, Gaibandha.

Organization and Management

3.1 Structural of Organization and Management

The organization set up of SJOUK is divided into two units viz: Training Unit and Programme Unit & having separate set of personnel and logistics for successful implementation of activities

The executive functions are carried out by a set of experienced staff under the over all direction of the President who also acts as the Chief Executive. As SJOUK is basically a field-based organization, it maintains a relatively small head office set-up. Its field activities are conducted under the supervision of qualified professional/ technical staff. There is a set of local field staff for each project and location.

3.2 Organizational Structure of SJOUK: There are three committees in SJOUK. They are General committee, Executive committee and Advisory committee.

3.1.1 General committee:

General committee consisted of development minded people who generally live in the project area. The members of the committee always render voluntary services for this organization. They elect the executive body members. Total member of the committee is 31.This committee meets twice in a year.

3.1.2 Executive committee:

Executive committee elected by the members of General committee. The organisation is running by the executive committee. There are President, Vice President, General Secretary, office secretary, treasure and four executive members in the executive committee. The committee headed by Mr. Sunil Kumer Roy, who has a strong background of working in various development organization, training and credit. The composition of current Managing Committee is attached in appendix-A.

3.1.3 Advisory committee:

The Advisory committee is consisted of five members, they are; one renowned social worker, one senior govt. officer, one senior banker and two senior NGO workers.

3.3 Funding:

The source of funding of SJOUK comes generally from the following five sources:

1. Own sources 2. Donations 3. Government agencies 4. International agencies 5. Loan 5. Service charge

3.5 Resource of the Organization:

• Well established & furnished 3 office. • Well qualified, trained and experienced staff & volunteers • Well organized operational area. • Well organized 145 groups with 3050 group members. • Strong General, Executive & Advisory Committee. • 2 field based and 1 Pourashava based training center. • Own Latrine produce & sale center • Local people & administration’s support.

3.6 Logistic Facilities Available

Logistic facilities available with the organization are listed below:

Office Space: Pourashava office Space is 300 sqt. Fully furnished and equipped with all necessary furniture/equipment. Beside 1 field based office and 1 project office (Office space 1050 sqf.)

- Motor Cycle 4 Nos. - Bicycle 09 Nos. - Computer with Printer 2 Nos.

3.7 Status of Training Facilities & Equipment:

Description Number/ Quantity Training Room 03 Capacity 140 Residential facility/Dormitory - Accommodation Capacity 06 VIPP Board 02 White Board 03 Stand 03 OHP 01 TV 02 VCP 02 Table 03 Chairs 140 Fan 09

3.8 Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E):

Regular monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of activities is essential for effective functioning of any organization. Accordingly, the management of SJOUK has recognized M&E to be one of its key responsibilities.

Continues as well as periodic monitoring by project staff at all levels of implementations (HQs and Field) are done to ensure that delivery services, work schedules targeted, outputs and other required actions are proceeding to the designed plans and budget of each project. Strong feedback system is in practice which enables the management to improve operational plans and take timely corrective actions in case of shortfalls and constraints.

While formulating a project, the monitoring system is also designed keeping in view the nature, objective, components, indicators, etc. of it. Structured format developed and practiced. Generally, projects are monitored on weekly basis. However, periodic reviews are also done on quarterly, half-yearly and early basis.

Review discussions are also held on performances of activities. This helps management in making future plans, programming and decision making. The task of evaluation is commonly carried but internally with few exceptions. 3.9 Audit:

As a regular practice, SJOUK at the end of each financial year appoints an external auditor to audit the financial and accounting performance of the organization. During last five year Mohibullah & CO. has conducted the annual audit of the organization

3.10 Information on General Body and executive Committee:

a. Number of GB members  : Men 22, Women 09.

b. Number of EC members  : Men 07, Women 02.

c. Role of the General Body and Executive Body:

General meeting held twice in every year. E.C place half year & final program and financial statement and next year plan for approved.

d. Process of formation and change of General Body and Executive Committee (Term; process of formation etc.).

General body is formed by all general members. EC is elected by general body in general meeting for two years.

     Organogram of SJOUK

Structure of Executive Committee with following details: (Duration 2008-2009)

Sl. No Name Designation Principal Occupation Relation ship to Chief Executive Address 1 Sushil Kumer Roy G.M (ASA) President NGO worker Institutional 13/7 Kha, ASA Housing, Shamoly-2, Dhaka. 2 Mr. S.N Anwer Vice-President Dev. Worker & Researcher ,, HCL, 75 Mohakhali, 12th floor, Dhaka. 3 Mrs. Helen Rahman General Secretary Social Worker ,, 13/7 Kha, ASA Housing, Shamoly-2, Dhaka. 4 Md. Abdur Rahman Treasurer Social Worker ,, Vill: Raghunathpur, Post: Roushanbag, Up: Palashbari, Gaibandha 5. Md.Moinul Islam Raja Member Social Worker ,, Professor Colony. College road, Gaibandha 6. Md. Abdus Samad Mia Member Teacher ,, Professor Colony. College road, Gaibandha 7. Md. Nozrul Islam Member Social Worker ,, Professor Colony. College road, Gaibandha 8. Md. Abdur Rouf Sarder Member Social Worker Vill: Mahanandaour, Post: Roushanbag, Up: Palashbari, Gaibandha 9. Ms. Shanaz Parveen Member Teacher Professor Colony. College road, Gaibandha

Names and Designation and Address of Chief Executive:

Helen Rahman Chief Executive, SJOUK Professor Colony, College road, Gaibandha Telephone: 8128520, Mobile: 01712-532003