Cameron Garnett/Testpage8

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Super Quick PHP Tutorial

Introduction | Basic Syntax | Sending Data to the Browser | Comments | Variables | Strings | Functions | Quotes | Debugging | Form

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Learning Objectives

By the end of this page you will understand what a string is and a few basic commands that you can use to manipulate strings.


A string is a sentence or phrase like "I am the greatest!".

In this next example I will show you the difference between the concatenation operator and adding two strings together.

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echo "seven"."teen"; //prints the string "seventeen"
echo "twe" . "nty"; //prints the string "twenty"
echo 5 . 6; //prints the string "56"
echo 5.6; //prints the number 5.6
echo 5+6; //prints the number 11


The next example is how to return the length of a string using the strlen() function.

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echo strlen("Hello world!"); // outputs 12

The next example is how to return how many words in a string using the str_word_count function.

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echo str_word_count("Happy New Year!"); // outputs 3

The next example works similar to javascript splitting a string into an array using the str_split() function.

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print_r(str_split("Count")); //the out put would be Array ( [0] => C [1] => o [2] => u [3] => n [4] => t )

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Try writing the example blocks of code into notepad ++ and bare witness to the amazing power of PHP.