C Programming 101
Course Description
An introductory course in C programming for the PC. Covering the C compiler, variables, operators, decision statements, iteration loops, arrays and strings.
Intended target audience
This is primarily aimed at students who intend to study computer science, engineering or mathematics. It is particularly suitable for students who are interested in the development of embedded software for micro-electronic devices. Because it addresses the main computer programming principles, it can also be used as a basic course in the principles of computer programming which are applicable in any programming language.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the learner will/should be able to
- Explain the processes by which a C programme is compiled
- Write basic C programs with variables and arithmetic operators.
- Use appropriate C programming statements to control flow of execution in a C programme.
- Design C programmes that are modular.
- Exercise good programming practices in the design of Programmes
Assessment methods and types
Self assessment will be through programming assignments.
Accreditation will be available to learners who register with Institute of Technology Sligo. This accreditation will be based on (i) the submission of the self-assessment assignments, and (ii) a summative online proctored examination.
What is your approach to validate student identity with regards to participation and assessment?
Validation of student identity will be relevant only to learners who register for accreditation. Formative assessment will be based on trust. Summative assessment will be based on an online proctored examination and candidates will be required to submit evidence of identity (allowable forms to be decided) at registration and during visually the examination.
Indicative Syllabus
- Explanation of C Compiler
- Advantages & Disadvantages of C languages compared to other languages.
- Simple C Programming Structure.
- Writing Text to Screen
- Variables and datatypes in C, int, float, char; datatype limits, signed and unsigned.
- Simple Arithmetic operators ,-,*,/,%
- Integer Operations Vs floating Point operations.
- Making decisions, if, else, else if, nested if etc.
- Logical operators ==, !=,,=
- Repetition statements, while, for and do while, counter controlled and sentinel controlled loops; Nested Loops.
- break, continue
- Functions in C, declaration, prototypes, definition.
- Variable scope, local, global, block, stack & heap
- Arrays, Strings.
Online tools that students may need
Course content will be in the form of Youtube videos and online documents (HTML). Learners will be required to download a free C compiler for testing their programmes.
How can students get formal credit? (potential collaborators please add your thoughts)
Institute of Technology Sligo will provide credit for this course (module) on the basis of submission of assignments (10%) and an online proctored examination (90%).
Link to C Programming 101 course