CXC Services
[hide]- 1 Caribbean Examination Council
- 2 CXC Mission Statement
- 3 About CXC - History
- 4 About CXC - Services - Overview
- 5 About CXC - Services - Syllabus Development
- 6 About CXC - Services - Measurement and Evaluation
- 7 About CXC - Services - Examinations Administration
- 8 About CXC - Services - Information Technology
- 9 About CXC - Services - Production
- 10 About CXC - Committees of Council - School Examinations
- 11 About CXC - Trademarks
Caribbean Examination Council
The Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examination is offered in January for re-sit and private candidates, and in May-June for in-school candidates. The examinations are offered under three Proficiency Schemes:
- Basic
- General
- Technical
- The General and Technical Proficiencies provide students with the foundation for further studies and entry to the workplace.
- The Basic scheme provides students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes usually associated with completing a secondary course.
CXC Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide the region with:
- syllabuses of the highest quality; valid and reliable examinations and certificates of international repute for students of all ages, abilities and interests;
- services to educational institutions in the development of syllabuses, examinations and examinations administration in the most cost-effective way.
About CXC - History
The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) is a regional examining body that provides examinations for secondary and post-secondary candidates in Caribbean countries.
CXC offers a wide range of subjects in academic, technical and vocational areas for candidates of varying ages, abilities and interests from the English-speaking Caribbean and the Netherlands Antilles and Surimane.
Syllabuses for CXC examinations are developed by Caribbean educators who work in sixth form schools, community, state and teacher-training colleges and universities. Specialists from the private sector, commerce and industry are also consulted to ensure relevance. CXC has established itself regionally and internationally as an examination body that adheres to high standards in syllabus development, examination administration and marking, and in the details of the certification that it provides.
In addition to providing examinations and certification for secondary and post secondary candidates, CXC uses its in-house expertise and technologies to provide technical assistance and consultancy services to both the public and private sectors across the region. These services include: the development of syllabuses; preparation and administration of national examinations; training in school-based assessment; item writing and other aspects of measurement and evaluation; analysis and preparation of reports of students' performance; preparation of resource materials.
The Council's work is carried out through the Administrative and Finance Committee (AFC), the Schools Examinations Committee (SEC) and its Sub-committee (SUBSEC).
The Council employs a small permanent core staff in addition to seasonal or part-time workers who work during examination administration periods. Resource persons drawn from various disciplines across the region, work with the staff in developing syllabuses, preparing examinations and marking scripts.
The Council's Administrative Office or Headquarters is located in Barbados in the Eastern Zone, and the Western Zone office is located in Jamaica.
About CXC - Services - Overview
CXC's Headquarters is located in Barbados and its Western Zone Office is located in Jamaica. At CXC's Headquarters the organization consists of seven divisions:
- Examinations Administrations Division (EAD)
- Measurement and Evaluation Division (MED)
- Information Systems Division (ISD)
- Production Division (PROD)
- Finance Division (FIN)
- Personnel Division (PERS)
- Secretariat & Office Management (S/OM)
About CXC - Services - Syllabus Development
Syllabus Development
CXC employs a consultative process for syllabus development. Under the guidance of syllabus officers, subject panels prepare syllabuses for all subjects examined by CXC. The staff members responsible for these activities have graduate qualifications and several years of experience in curriculum development and related activities.
The CXC syllabuses are used as the main source for curricula at the upper secondary and post-CSEC levels. With the expertise at its disposal, CXC is well placed to work with Ministries of Education to develop programmes that will enable a smooth transition from one level to another within the education system.
About CXC - Services - Measurement and Evaluation
Measurement and Evaluation
The Measurement and Evaluation Division at CXC is responsible for the development of all the examination papers for CCSLC, CSEC, CAPE and the primary level examinations in two territories. The Division does a variety of tasks including pre-testing items, setting and editing papers, item analysis, preparation of technical and school reports and grading and selecting top candidates in the various examinations. The Division also facilitates syllabus development and provides technical assistance on measurement and evaluation to Ministries of Education and other institutions.
This Division is staffed by persons who have specialized training at the graduate level and who have been working in measurement and evaluation for a number of years.
About CXC - Services - Examinations Administration
Examinations Administration
The Examinations Administration Division (EAD) of CXC deals with the delivery of examination papers and other examination materials, administration of CXC examinations, marking of scripts, data entry, processing and release of results and delivery of school and other reports. The Division also produces an annual statistical bulletin.
EAD also deals with the management, sampling and processing of school-based assessment which is an integral component of the CXC’s examinations. In addition, EAD handles all the examination arrangements for the primary level examinations in two countries.
About CXC - Services - Information Technology
- Information Technology
The Information Systems Division handles all the technology requirements of the Council. The Division processes large quantities of data for CXC’s examinations and for primary level examinations in four countries.
The Division also provides various statistical reports on request to Ministries of Education and regional and international agencies.
About CXC - Services - Production
The Production Division prepares all examination materials up to camera-ready stage and also prints examination materials. The Division also has in place rigorous quality control procedures to ensure accuracy in examination papers and other examination materials.
About CXC - Committees of Council - School Examinations
The School Examinations Committee (SEC) consists of:
The Chairman of the Council or his Deputy who shall be the Chairman;
Four members who shall be representatives of the Universities of the area:
- Three from the University of the West Indies
- One from the University of Guyana;
- One technical administrative officer selected by each Participating Government from its Ministry or Department of Education and;
One member of the teaching profession nominated by each National Committee. The School Examinations Committee is required to prepare for Council's approval: Regulations relating to the conduct of examinations;
- Develop syllabuses;
- Consider criticisms from schools and points raised by examiners;
- Appoint members of sub-committees and subject panels;
- Make recommendations relating to the appointment of examiners;
- Advise the Council on all matters relating to examinations;
- And perform duties delegated to it by the Council.
About CXC - Trademarks
Public Statement
The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) is the regional provider of secondary schools examinations for the Caribbean. In order to protect its name and those of its products and/or services, CXC registered several trademarks marks in 2005. In order to use CXC’s name, its marks, or variations of its marks on products or services, one must obtain permission in writing from CXC, in the form of a signed Trademark License Agreement.
CXC asserts ownership over its name and any other mark, logo, seal, design, symbol, internet domain name or any combination of these, which have come to be associated with CXC, specifically the following listed below:
- Caribbean Examinations Council
- Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate
- Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination
- The CXC “logo”
The aforementioned marks are registered trademarks of CXC in the United Kingdom and other countries. In order to comply with and assure protection under trademark law, CXC is required to license and monitor all uses of its trademarks.
Please note that trademark law is designed to protect consumers from confusion regarding the source or origin of products and/or services. CXC seeks to ensure that its trademarks are not to be used in a manner that will cause potential confusion about the relationship between CXC and any third party product or service, or that they are used in a manner that improperly or inaccurately implies compatibility or conformance of any third party product or service with any CXC product or service.