CTVSD3 V2/Overview

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Assessment on a tablet
Assessment, whether informal or formal, has always been an integral part of the learning process. It is the second key element of the OARAS learning design framework. OARAS stands for Outcomes - Assessment - Resources - Activities - Support.

How we learn has changed over the years and with that the traditional practice of assessment has evolved to meet the changing needs of learners, employers and society. The primary purpose of this course is to enable you to design competency-based assessments (CBA) that can be completed online and the workplace or in a simulated work environment.

You need to be familiar with educational outcomes, such as learning outcomes, professional standards, competencies and experienced working with them, to be able to design assessments to meet them. If you don't know much about educational outcomes or feel you need to learn more about how to interpret and work with them we recommend your review or complete the course OARAS - Outcomes (CTVSD1) before you start this course.

Icon objectives line.svg

Once you have worked your way successfully through the activities in the learning project, you will be able to:

  1. Apply different approaches and methods to design competency-based assessments for TVET programmes.
  2. Apply the principles of assessment and design practical competency-based assessments to be completed in the workplace or in a simulated work environment.
  3. Identify ways of collecting quality evidence to support assessment decision making.
  4. Complete the assessment section of the OARAS framework.
  5. Design assessments that enable and integrate feedback to improve learner performance to reach competency.
  6. Design assessment rubrics with clear criteria and judgment statements.
  7. Design a competency-based assessment and identify how it can be completed remotely and submitted online.