CRODeL/Research project/Overview

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The ODeL research project places emphasis on the completion of a draft research proposal or a draft research article. The unit is in itself a topic. As such, this unit has no embedded topics.

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Specific learning outcome

Upon completion of this unit, it is envisioned that you will have drafted a research proposal ready for submission to an ethical review committee; or a journal article ready for submission to an accredited journal.

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In the preceding sections of this OER, you have been guided through the necessary components of an ODeL research study. This unit aims to bridge all these pieces together into one coherent puzzle.

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The OER by Laverty (2018) has once again been placed into this OER due to its concise yet thoroughly comprehensive account of conducting educational research. Kindly familiarise yourself again with the contents. Once familiarised, click on the second resource; which contains a link to Scribbr's 'How to Write a Research Proposal: Guide and Template' by McCombes (2022). Download the template found in the second resource and use it to complete the final learning activity for this OER.

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Time needed

You'll need approximately 1.5 hours to engage with the content on this topic.

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Learning activities

Activity 4.1.1 <Compile a draft>: Using all the information and skills you have gained throughout the course of this OER, draft a research proposal or article for your own research. HINT: If you’ve completed the crucial activities throughout this OER, then you’ve already done most of the work!

Copy the work from your draft into the template (see the second resource for this template). Structure it according to the guidelines (as set out by the ethics review committee or your identified journal) and further refine it for peer review. And then, you are done! Congratulations on the compilation of your draft research proposal/article! All the best with your submission processes!