CRODeL/Research process/Research questions and hypothesis

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Specific learning outcome

By the end of this topic you will be able to link research questions to your problem statement.

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When conducting ODeL research, some researchers are not aware of the differences between a research question and a research hypothesis. This topic will provide clarity on when to use a research question versus a research hypothesis.

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To begin, scroll through the embedded PDF - What's a hypothesis? - then go through the PDF below in the resources - Developing research questions and hypotheses. Thereafter, click upon the link, Writing research questions and hypotheses, and then engage with the learning activity.

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Time needed

You'll need approximately 28 minutes to engage with the content in this topic.

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Learning activities

Activity 2.2.1 <List>: Based on the ODeL research problem statement that you constructed in the prior topic, construct the accompanying research question(s) and hypothesis. Complete this crucial activity in your draft (i.e., the draft you saved in the previous activity).