CRODeL/Research process/Problem statement

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Specific learning outcome

By the end of this topic, you should be able to construct an ODeL-related problem statement.

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The resources provided will give you a basic understanding of how to identify and construct a problem statement when conducting ODeL research. While the resources provide generic research information, the understanding gained in the Introduction to ODeL concepts, theories and scholarship unit will assist you in adapting your research study to fit within an ODeL context.

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To begin, let's have a look at the problem with problem statements (External website). Then, proceed to watch both videos and read the article which follows – Research problem: Identification and formulation (Shoket, 2014).

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Time needed

You'll need approximately 36 minutes to engage with the content in this topic.

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How to identify a research problem and writing research questions

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How to write a statement of the research problem in three steps

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Learning activities

Activity 2.1.1 <Explain>: Using the resources above and any others you may find, explain how to go about identifying a good research problem.

Activity 2.1.2 <Conceptualise and construct>: Think of an ODeL-related problem, one which requires exploration. Using that problem, construct a problem statement that will serve as the basis of your ODeL research article or proposal. Complete this crucial activity in an appropriate word processing software, e.g. Microsoft Word. Once you have completed this first crucial activity, save your draft - we'll use this draft to complete the other crucial activities.