CRODeL/Research designs/Research objectives

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Specific learning outcome

By the end of this topic, you will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the link between research objectives and research methodologies.

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This topic provides insight into links between your research objectives and your methodologies. In addition to those listed beneath, please access more resources to gain a deeper understanding.

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To begin, go through the embedded material below - A Guide to Research Methods by Burch-Bynum (2016). This guide provides an in-depth overview of the prominent methods in qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method studies. Thereafter, watch the videos listed in the resources section below: Questionnaire design and research objectives, and Writing a methodology chapter. If necessary, visit SAGE Research methods (and the Methods Map) for additional information and guidance. Thereafter, proceed to complete the learning activities.

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Time needed

You'll need approximately 1 hour to engage with the content in this topic.

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Questionnaire design and Research objectives

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Writing a methodology chapter

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Learning activities

Activity 3.2.1 <Outline>: Align your proposed methodology to your research aims and objectives. The website, SAGE Research methods, houses a useful methods map and should be visited for this activity. Once your objectives and methods are aligned, write up this important section (i.e., your objectives and methods) and include this crucial activity in your draft.