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Specific learning outcome

By the end of this topic you should demonstrate an understanding of the relevance of conducting research in an ODeL environment, and in one's own teaching space (i.e. the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, SoTL).

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One of the overarching purposes of research is to impact on practice. This topic addresses this important role in the context of ODeL research.

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To begin, thoroughly read through the document below by Laverty (2018) entitled 'Educational Research: A practical guide' This comprehensive guide offers an introduction to SoTL for educators interested in researching and/or studying their teaching practices. It includes approaches to formulating questions, considerations for the methodology and selection of methods. Once complete, have a look at the videos (under the resources) examining some of the key characteristics of SoTL followed by some key pointers when conducting research in an ODeL space. Lastly, undertake the learning activities for this topic.

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Time needed

You'll need approximately 2.3 hours to engage with the content on this topic.

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Key Characteristics of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (Center for Engaged Learning, 2013)

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Research in Open and Distance Learning (Commonwealth of Learning)

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Learning activities

Activity 1.3.1 <Describe>: Reflect on your practice using SoTL. Describe how you could use SoTL to improve your teaching and/or research practice.

Activity 1.3.2 <List>: Identify factors that may be empirically investigated as a SoTL research project.