CRODeL/Introduction/What is ODeL

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Specific learning outcome

By the end of this topic, you should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of ODeL as an academic field.

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The field of ODeL is a relatively new research field. This topic will enable you to understand not only the field of ODeL beyond a field of practice, but as a research field as well. While resources have been provided (links below), it is advisable for you to find other useful resources that can provide additional guidance on the topic.

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To start off, read Bates (2008) 'What is distance education?' and then move on to Guri-Rosenblit (2005) 'Distance education and e-learning: Not the same thing' Thereafter, visit Downes' (2016) website on New Models of Open Distance Learning and then watch the two videos which follow. Lastly, undertake the learning activities for this topic.

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Time needed

You'll need approximately 3.3 hours to engage with the content on this topic.

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Steve Wheeler interviews Tony Bates, Sir John Daniel and Michael G Moore (EDEN, 2016)

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What is Distance Learning? Distance Learning Portal (2012)

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Learning activities

Activity 1.1.1 <Read and understand>: Study the resources provided to enhance your understanding of ODeL as an academic field. As you study the resources, explore the differences between ODeL and other related fields such as online learning and e-learning.

Activity 1.1.2 <Briefly describe>: Using the resources provided, analyse how different authors describe the field of ODeL. Based on the authors’ different descriptions, provide your own understanding of what ODeL is. Please access other (online) resources to assist you in this activity.