CRODeL/Introduction/Academic writing

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Specific learning outcome

By the end of this topic, you should have a better understanding of the academic writing process along with its key features.

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The importance of research dissemination is emphasised by the phrase “Research unpublished is research not done”. This topic provides you with guidelines for academic writing. Although you will gain skills from this topic, reading academic papers and articles is important to gain more tips on good academic writing.

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To commence with this topic, watch the video below by Dr Thuli Shandu entitled 'Understanding the fundamentals of academic writing'. Thereafter, watch the video on 'A Guide to Academic Writing' (Open Polytechnic, 2015), read the LSE (2016) 'Blog on Academic Writing', and watch the video titled ‘What is academic writing?' Lastly, undertake the learning activities for this topic.

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Time needed

You'll need approximately 43 minutes to engage with the content on this topic.

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Understanding the fundamentals of academic writing

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A Guide to Academic Writing (Open Polytechnic, 2015)

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What is academic writing?

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Learning activities

Activity 1.4.1 <Review>: Critically review two (2) ODeL-related academic articles. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each and the reasons for such.

Activity 1.4.2 <Draw>: Draw a flowchart (either by hand or using an appropriate program; MS Visio, MS Word, etc.) illustrating your understanding of the process of academic writing.