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The aim of this OER is centred around developing either a draft article (ready for submission to an accredited journal), or a draft research proposal of an envisioned ODeL study. More widely, this OER aims to equip emerging researchers with the necessary skills, attitudes and knowledge to conduct ODeL research. In addition to a draft article or research proposal, upon completion of this OER you will also be able to deepen your understanding of ODeL as an academic field; improve your scholarship of ODeL teaching and learning; enhance your ODeL research capacity; and improve your quality of context-specific and relevant ODeL research. Holistically, by the end of the OER, you should:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basics of ODeL as an academic field;
  • Express knowledge of the main ODeL theories;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the relevance of conducting research in an ODeL environment, and in one's own teaching space (i.e. the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, SoTL);
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the academic writing process and key features of academic language;
  • Construct an ODeL research problem statement;
  • Link research questions to your problem statement;
  • Conduct a critical literature review;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of ethical research processes;
  • Understand the differences between the prominent research paradigms;
  • Understand the link between research objectives and research methodologies; and
  • Understand various data analysis techniques.