Dep: Applied Linguistics
Position: Lecturer
Institution: University of Education, Winneba
Hello, you are warmly welcome to my page. I am Charlotte Fofo Lomotey, and I am a lecturer at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW). I come from the Greater Accra Region, but lived in Cape Coast during my formative years. When I am not doing any academic work, I like to sit at the beach, watch movies, browse the internet, read inspirational books or relax. I also like to chat with my friends. Feel free to contact me at whenever you can.
I hold a B.Ed in Ghanaian Language (Akan), and a Master of Philosophy (MPhil.) in Applied Linguistics, both from the University of Education, Winneba. I just completed my PhD in English, majoring in Applied Linguistics at Texas A&M University-Commerce, in the USA.
I am an enthusiastic person and my major areas of specialization are Experimental Phonetics and Applied Phonology. My current research interests include:
- Prosody and Discourse
- Second Language Phonology
- The Phonology of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)
- Language Description/Documentation
I would welcome any collaboration in any of these and other related areas. My PhD dissertation focused on "Intonational Meaning in Ghanaian English Discourse". In this study, I applied David Brazil's Discourse Intonation framework to examine how Ghanaians utilize English intonational patterns when they are having conversations with one another. Even though this framework is relatively unknown in Africa (unlike that of Pierrehumbert & Hirschberg), I utilized it in this study based on the fact that it has been applied in some nativized Englishes (e.g. Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, etc). Results of the study are of interest to all stakeholders in English pronunciation, both in and outside Ghana.
My most recent refereed publication is:
Attardo, S., Pickering, L., Lomotey, F., & Menjo, S. (2013). Multimodal Markers of Conversational Humour. Review of Cognitive Linguistics. 11(2), 402-416.
Watch out for more.
- The phonetics and phonology of Awutu prenasalized consonants (With Akinbiyi Akinlabi). WOCAL8, August 20-24, 2015, Japan.
- Intensity, lengthening and the language of ideophones in Akan. Workshop on African ideophones, August 2015, Japan.
- Prominence and meaning selection in Ghanaian English discourse: Towards a categorization of the New Englishes. LAG 8, July 27-29, 2015, KNUST, Kumasi.
- How are we ELFing: Unfilled pauses and speaker-turns in Ghanaian English Discourse. LAG 8, July 27-29, 2015, KNUST, Kumasi.
- Prominence, Contrastive Focus and Information Packaging in Ghanaian English Discourse. 168th ASA Meeting, at Indiana, USA.
- Tone choice and information status in Ghanaian English discourse: Implications for communicating in English as a Lingua Franca. LAG 7, July, UPSA, Ghana.
- The prosodic realization of focus in Awutu: A preliminary analysis. ACAL45; April, University of Kansas, KS, USA.
- The phonetic status of [æ] in Akan, Revisited. ACAL45; April, University of Kansas, KS, USA.
- Does first language prosodic transfer affect second language prosody? Focus in Awutu and English. 166th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, December, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- International intelligibility in World Englishes: The schwa in Ghanaian English. 19th Conference of the International Association for World Englishes (IAWE 2013). November, Arizona State University, AZ, USA.
- English Language Teaching in Ghana and the Lingua Franca Core: Views form learners. 5th International Conference of the Linguistics of Contemporary English (ICLCE 5). September, UT Austin, TX, USA.
- Native language use in English lessons in Ghanaian Senior High Schools: Beliefs and attitudes of teachers (with Ruby Otoo). Joint West African Languages Congress / Linguistic Association of Nigeria (WALC/LAN 2013). August 1, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
- Making Complaints in Akan: The role of Prosody. Joint West African Languages Congress / Linguistic Association of Nigeria (WALC/LAN 2013). July, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
- Prosodic markers of complaints in Akan. 44th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL44). March, Georgetown University, DC, USA.
- The place of schwa in Educated Ghanaian English: A case for intelligibility in ELF. 20th UTASCILT Conference. February, UTA, Arlington, TX, USA.
- Communicating in a Globalized World: The place of schwa in Educated Ghanaian English. Globalization and the Humanities Conference, November, TAMUC, Commerce, TX, USA.
- Acoustic and Perceptual (dis)similarities between Efutu and English Fricatives: Implications for ESL. 164th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, October, Kansas City, MI, USA.
- Judgments of Intelligibility and Foreign Accent by speakers of English as an International Language. 1st American Pragmatics Association and 5th Intercultural Pragmatics (IAMPRA/VICUP) Conference. October, Charlotte, NC, USA.
- Intonation and Negation in Akan. 7th World Conference on African Linguistics (WOCAL7). August, Buea, Cameroon.
- The interaction of tone and Intonation in Akan (With Sefa Owusu). 5th Conference of the Linguistics Association of Ghana (LAG5), August, Winneba, Ghana.
- Judgments of Intelligibility and Foreign Accent by speakers of English as an International Language. 5th Conference of the Linguistics Association of Ghana (LAG5), July, Winneba, Ghana.
- Prosodic features that cue turn-taking in Akan Conversations. 43rd Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL43). March, Tulane University, LA, USA.
- Beliefs and Attitudes of English Teachers on Native Language Pedagogic Use. 19th UTASCILT Conference. March, UTA, Arlington, TX, USA.
- Small Talk at Work: Comparison of AAC and Non-AAC User Corpora. (With Pickering, L., P. Pearson., J. Bouchard., L. di Ferrante & S. Menjo). Conference of the American Association of Corpus Linguistics (AACL), October, GSU, GA, USA.
- The Intonation of Declarative and Interrogative Sentences in Akan: Implications for Akan Teachers. 15th Conference of the African Language Teachers Association (ALTA15). April, UW, Madison, WI, USA.
- The Intonation of Declarative and Interrogative Sentences in Akan (Poster). 18th UTASCILT Conference. March, UTA, Arlington, TX, USA.
Vowels of Akan-A Cross Dialect Study. Germany: VDM Verlag