CCNC/CCNC Module 4/Spreadsheets2/Cells/Shifting

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Previously we made changes to the contents of cells. In this operation our focus is on the entire cell, taken as a whole, and not on its contents. We will be moving a range of adjacent cells either horizontally or vertically. We are moving the cells; the data inside the cells remains in tact. To perform this function, we use the Delete Cells dialogue Box, which is accessed through Edit>Delete Cells. You may be wondering about the name of this tool, since you have not set out to delete any cells. Dont worry too much about that. As you will notice, the dialogue box includes two types of functions - shifting of cells and deleting entire rows and columns, that is all (not some of) the cells in a row or column. We are focusing on the shifting function. When we apply either of the 'Shift cells' function, we are interested in the movement of cells either to the right or above the highlighted cells.


Now do it

  • Highlight the range C10:F14
  • Edit->Delete Cells
  • Click the Shift Cells Up radio button then click OK.
  • Notice that the cells previously in C15:F15, that is in the row immediately below the highlighted range,have moved up to C9:F13, that is in the row immediately above the highlighted range.


Icon present.gif
Tip: Did you notice any difference between the way the delete key and Delete Cells work? Think about it.

(Comment.gif: The content expert needs to pay special attention to the cell ranges. I made changes to the ones in the original materials because they did not seem to be accurate. So these need to be checked.)
We need an image, diagram or chart.
Specifications: A clear graphic, with good use of colour, needed here to highlight shifted cells in relation to range that was displaced to accomodate shift