CCCOER/Wiki Editing

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Wiki Editing

Page Refresh - before editing

Sometimes, an older version is in your computer cache. To easily refresh, go to the first TAB on the page that says "page" - click there - and you'll get the most recent version.

Page Naming - Use CCCOER Navigation Template

Creating Pages in the CCCOER, er space

To avoid confusion, please use this name space: CCCOER as in - not Cccoer or anything else(otherwise, we'll have difficulty finding stuff.

  • Be sure to add the new page created in the A-Z docs, etc. It's another way of cross-referencing, and finding pages in the wiki.

Seeing all pages in the CCCOER wiki

Go to:

No need to use breaks
, when asterisks will do


Confirm Your Email Address

In your preferences, make sure to Confirm your email address, so that you get the latest notices and updates to wiki pages.