CCCOER/Meetings/Weekly July 19 2010

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July 19 CCCOER Steering Committee Meeting

8 White Board Files to be added by Liza

Joined on July 19, 2010 at 10:50 AM

Moderator: Hi Tom I'll start the phone call. Just a minute.

Moderator: The moderator is really Liza, not Jacky

Moderator: Can anyone hear me on the computer?

Tom Caswell (OCWC): no

Moderator: Do you have a phone?

Moderator: I think we're doing audio on the phone

Tom Caswell (OCWC): joining via phone

JamesGG: Can we add "accredited" to the type of institution?

Susie: Can't make it smaller, Marie!

Susie: I just added myself to the permissions to edit google docs.

Moderator: Any other online questions or Comments?