CCCOER/Meetings/Quarterly December 2010/To Do
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< CCCOER | Meetings | Quarterly December 2010
To Do
Obtain a logon for Wikieducator
- be sure to modify your preferences, so you can receive email updates.
- login, to edit the wiki
- Copy the pages you plan to edit to a text file in case a page gets
mucked up.
- Copy your edited pages occasionally if you are making a lot of changes.
- Preview edited pages before you save them.
Publish the archive link for the Sep 30 meeting on the wiki; also the chat and the list of people who attended.
Define your role and Sharyn's role as backup. What can wait till you are at work and what needs to happen between your days? Who is the backup when neither you nor Sharyn are available? (probably me, maybe Randy)
What decisions can you make alone and what decisions need to be taken to the entire committee?
Committee planning meetings
- It would be good to have these on Thursdays because the first meeting was on Thursday and the event will be on a Thursday. Also there is another CCCOER meeting on Mondays so this gives people 2 full days between meetings.
- Oct 7 there is a webcast that many people will want to attend and some colleges will have a holiday on Nov 11 (ours is on Nov 12). Thanksgiving is Nov 23. So Oct 14, Oct 28, Nov 18, and Dec 2 would be best. The meetings should be at 11 or 12 rather than 10, for adequate time to set up the CCCConfer,
- Obtain a CCCConfer account if you do not already have one. Click on Faculty/Presenter account on the CCCConfer site. (for CCC employees only).
- Restrict the meeting to one or two topics so that not all 10+ people need to attend; only those directly involved.
- Try to keep the meetings 30-40 minutes long.
- Put the work breakdown structure on the wiki starting with these items. Over time the blanks will get filled in.
- College:
- Contact person(s):
- Arrangements for a college executive to welcome the meeting
- Conference room with technology: -- logons and passwords
- Screen and projector:
- Adequate tables and chairs:
- Who to contact if problems with locked doors, air conditioning, heating, lights, furniture, technology etc.
- Catering: special needs, vegetarian, etc.
- Parking:
- Collateral
- Business cards
- Tweet books
- Folders
- Nametags, tent cards, or both?
- How and when do these get sent to remote attendees?
- Not to hand out but to show: a few open resources: photos, games, pamphlets, courseware, one or two textbooks. We are trying to move beyond textbooks.
Meeting agenda
- Master of Ceremonies: _______
- Who monitors the CCCConfer (at least 2 people)
- 10:__ Introductions
- 10:__ Welcome (by an executive of the college where we hold the meeting)
- 10:__ Best practices presentations by
- -----X College; presenter: ______
- -----Y College; presenter: ______
- 11:00 CCCOER Bylaws, New Membership Agreement, Election
- Presenter ________ (probably Cable Green, the interim president, maybe
- Angela the Elections official)
- 11:__ Survey results probably presented by Geoff Cain
- 11:__ Brainstorming about the survey results facilitated by _____
12:00 Lunch break
- 12:__ Presentation by Clare of ISKME about her research
- 12:__ (maybe) presentation about FolkSemantic -- there may not be time for this
Marketing of the meeting
- Description/'flyer'
- Posting places:, as many college websites as possible, COT blog, events on both nings, etc. (Ning events should not have RSVP capability.) List of places and who is responsible and the dates.
- All the Google groups (CCCOER steering, CCCOER, COT-exec) - who, when
- Tweets, blogs, etc by as many people as possible - who, when
- Email or phone campaign to CCCOER member college reps - yes/no? who, when
- Registration method: I suggest Google forms. Geoff used this for the survey and it looks/works great. Very important to have local/remote attendance as almost the first question. Who creates this form and when.
- Who acknowledges the registrations and how?
- What gets sent: maps, directions, parking passes, airport and hotel info, etc.
- Create a page on the wiki that lists the registrants - who does this and when
- Weekly meetings
- Draft slide due date
- Walk-through - perhaps Nov 23 or Nov 30
- Final slide due date
- Who will convert the slides to CCCConfer and when?
- Also put in all the other due dates above
At the meeting
- Greeters
- Sign-in sheet
- Photos
After the meeting
- Saving the whiteboard, chat and participant list
- Posting the archive and these three files
- Thanking the facilitators and the host college
- Sending info to all CCCOER member college representatives