Boingotlo Sebolai Summarised Bio data

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Boingotlo Sebolai is a Biometrician holding BSc from University of Botswana and Swaziland, MSc and PhD in Agronomy from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where she did her Biometry. Shis a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Basic Sciences, Botswana College of Agriculture where she has been teaching for over 16 years. In addition to teaching, she has been involved in collaborative research projects some of which were funded locally and others internationally. She has authored several journal articles including a handbook on Research Methods used by Agriculture teachers at senior secondary school level. She has also served as a consultant in the SADC-SCADAR scoping study for Botswana.She enjoys working with agricultural data sets applying Multivariate Statisitics, Categorical data analysis and Spatial statistics. Prior to joining BCA she worked as a Research Oficer (Biometry) at the Department of Agriculture, Botswana. She can be contacted at:
Botswana College of Agriculture, Private Bag 0027, Gaborone. Botswana.
Tel: (267)-3650100