Blood Worksheet

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Chapter 8 The Blood

1. Complete the table below:

Name of Blood Cell Size in µm Nucleus Granules in cytoplasm Function
Erythroccyte ............... None No ...............
............... 20-25 ............... ............... Phagocytosis
Granulocyte ................. ................ ................. .................
................. ................. Large & spherical ................. Makes antibodies
Platelets 2-4 ................ No ................


True or false? If false add the correct version.

a) The term packed cell volume means the same as haematocrit. T / F
b) A haematocrit of 70% would indicate an animal was anaemic. T /F
c) The plasma contains 75% water. T / F
d) The plasma proteins include albumin, globulin and fibrinogen. T / F
e) Oxygen is carried in the plasma. T / F
f) Serum is just another name for plasma. T / F
g) The red blood cells of mammals have large spherical nuclei. T / F
h) The shape of red blood cells helps them hold more haemoglobin. T / F
i) When haemoglobin combines with oxygen it changes colour. T / F
j) Red blood cells are made in the liver and live for over a year. T / F
k) There are half as many white cells as red cells in blood. T / F
l) All white blood cells have nuclei. T / F
m) Lymphocytes phagocytose bacteria. T / F


Identify the blood cells illustrated below. Chose from the following: erythrocyte; lymphocyte; monocyte; granulocyte Blood cells unlabelled.JPG

Name of cell







Match the blood cell with the correct function/description.

lymphocyte; granulocyte; erythrocyte; monocyte
a) Makes antibodies.
b) Carries oxygen.
c) Largest blood cell.
d) Granules in cytoplasm, engulfs bacteria.


This is NOT a function of blood.

a) Transporting carbon dioxide to the lungs
b) Transporting heat around the body
c) Protecting the body from infection
d) Producing new red blood cells.
e) Transporting water to the cells


Match the words given below with the statements a - l.

adrenaline; anaemia; vitamin K; bone marrow; albumin; haemoglobin; calcium; fibrinogen; iron; erythrocytes; globulins; plasma
a) Most blood cells are made here.
b) A hormone that increases heart rate.
c) The pigment in red blood cells that enables them to carry large quantities of oxygen.
d) This mineral is necessary for blood to clot.
e) A protein in the blood that is essential for clotting.
f) This vitamin is needed for blood to clot.
g) A major symptom of this condition is the reduction of the amount of haemoglobin in the blood.
h) This plasma protein maintains the osmotic pressure of the blood.
i) Red blood cells.
j) Each haemoglobin molecule contains 4 atoms of this.
k) These plasma proteins are antibodies.
l) Carbon dioxide is carried in the blood in this.

Blood Worksheet Answers