Blood Worksheet
From WikiEducator
1. Complete the table below:
Name of Blood Cell | Size in µm | Nucleus | Granules in cytoplasm | Function |
Erythroccyte | ............... | None | No | ............... |
............... | 20-25 | ............... | ............... | Phagocytosis |
Granulocyte | ................. | ................ | ................. | ................. |
................. | ................. | Large & spherical | ................. | Makes antibodies |
Platelets | 2-4 | ................ | No | ................ |
True or false? If false add the correct version.
- a) The term packed cell volume means the same as haematocrit. T / F
- b) A haematocrit of 70% would indicate an animal was anaemic. T /F
- c) The plasma contains 75% water. T / F
- d) The plasma proteins include albumin, globulin and fibrinogen. T / F
- e) Oxygen is carried in the plasma. T / F
- f) Serum is just another name for plasma. T / F
- g) The red blood cells of mammals have large spherical nuclei. T / F
- h) The shape of red blood cells helps them hold more haemoglobin. T / F
- i) When haemoglobin combines with oxygen it changes colour. T / F
- j) Red blood cells are made in the liver and live for over a year. T / F
- k) There are half as many white cells as red cells in blood. T / F
- l) All white blood cells have nuclei. T / F
- m) Lymphocytes phagocytose bacteria. T / F
Identify the blood cells illustrated below. Chose from the following: erythrocyte; lymphocyte; monocyte; granulocyte
Name of cell
Match the blood cell with the correct function/description.
- lymphocyte; granulocyte; erythrocyte; monocyte
- a) Makes antibodies.
- b) Carries oxygen.
- c) Largest blood cell.
- d) Granules in cytoplasm, engulfs bacteria.
This is NOT a function of blood.
- a) Transporting carbon dioxide to the lungs
- b) Transporting heat around the body
- c) Protecting the body from infection
- d) Producing new red blood cells.
- e) Transporting water to the cells
Match the words given below with the statements a - l.
- adrenaline; anaemia; vitamin K; bone marrow; albumin; haemoglobin; calcium; fibrinogen; iron; erythrocytes; globulins; plasma
- a) Most blood cells are made here.
- b) A hormone that increases heart rate.
- c) The pigment in red blood cells that enables them to carry large quantities of oxygen.
- d) This mineral is necessary for blood to clot.
- e) A protein in the blood that is essential for clotting.
- f) This vitamin is needed for blood to clot.
- g) A major symptom of this condition is the reduction of the amount of haemoglobin in the blood.
- h) This plasma protein maintains the osmotic pressure of the blood.
- i) Red blood cells.
- j) Each haemoglobin molecule contains 4 atoms of this.
- k) These plasma proteins are antibodies.
- l) Carbon dioxide is carried in the blood in this.