Between National Goals of Education and Other Objectives

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By the end of the topic the learners should be able to:
  1. explain the linkage between National goals of Education and Life Skills Education objectives
  2. link the National Goals, Level Objectives, Life Skills general and specific objectives

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The following are suggested resources a teacher can use to teach this topic

  1. Life Skills syllabus
  2. Life Skills Handbooks
  3. LCD projector
  4. Flip charts
  5. Felt pens

Information for the Trainer

An effective education system is guided by set goals and objectives. The success of such a system relies on the interrelationship between the National goals of education, secondary level objectives, general and specific objectives of a subject.

National goals of education are the general principles and statements which spell out the aspiration of a nation to be realised through education. They give directions to a set of detailed intentions for the present and the future. From the National goals of education, objectives for the different levels are drawn. The level objectives are used to determine the desired knowledge, skills and attitude that should be acquired at the end of the course.

The general objectives of Life Skills Education are derived from the Secondary level objectives. These objectives are relevant and therefore achievable within the subject. Specific objectives are derived from the general objectives. They give guidance on how knowledge, skills and attitudes pertaining to the content are to be achieved. The specific objectives are quite explicit, operational, time bound and quantifiable.

It is these specific objectives that guides the teacher on the depth and breadth of content coverage. It is therefore important that teachers familiarise themselves with the National goals, level objectives, the general objectives and the specific objectives for Life Skills Education in each topic since they are inter-related.

Linkages between National Goals of Education and Educational Objectives

Foster National patriotism and promote National Unity Promote harmonious co-existence among the peoples of Kenya Appreciate the need for peaceful co-existence and demonstrate ability to apply the acquired skills to relate and co-exist with other people amicably Form 1 Effective communication - Factors that enhance effective communication By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to discuss factors that enhance effective communication
Promote the social, economic technological and industrial needs for national development Build a firm foundation for technological and industrial development Acquire values, attitudes and develop skills that will enable him/her to operate effectively in the society Form 2 Decision Making - Process of decision making By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to demonstrate ability to apply various steps in the decision making process
Promote social equality and responsibility Develop into a responsible and socially well adjusted person Appreciate his/her rights and responsibilities and demonstrate ability to respect other peoples rights Form 3 Empathy - Ways of expressing empathy By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to demonstrate different ways of expressing empathy in various situations.
Promote sound moral and religious values Develop mentally, socially morally, physically and spiritually Develop and apply Life Skills that enhance positive behaviour formation and change Form 4 Decision making - Developing creative and critical thinking skills By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to demonstrate ability to use critical and creative ways in addressing life’s challenges
Promote individual development and self-fulfilment Identify individual talents and develop them Develop and apply life skills that enhance performance in education Form 4 Decision making - Career choices By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to explore and appreciate important factors to consider in choosing careers
Promote respect and development of Kenya’s rich and varied culture Enhance understanding and respect for own and other people’s cultures and their place in contemporary Society Appreciate his/her rights and responsibilities and demonstrate ability to respect other people’s rights Form I Friendship formation and maintenance - Living Values that enhance inter-personal relationships By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to show ability to apply relevant living values that enhance interpersonal relationships
Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitude towards other nations Enhance understanding and appreciation of inter-relationships among nations Appreciate the need for peaceful co-existence and demonstrate ability to apply the acquired skills to relate and co-exist with other people Form II Non-violent conflict resolution - Ways of avoiding conflicts By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to explore ways of avoiding conflicts
Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection Promote positive environmental and health practices Demonstrate ability to apply the relevant Life Skills in dealing with the emerging issues and other challenges effectively Form III Negotiation skills- Situations that require negotiation By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to apply negotiation skills in various situations

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develop lesson objectives from the specific objectives in the table