Benjamin Stewart, M.Ed. (Ph.D., 2012)/Live Feeds

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ELT Rants, Reviews, & Reflections
Partially Informed Notes about English Instructors at Universities in Vietnam
Long-time readers of this blog might not be aware that I left Korea in 2019! Greetings from Ho Chi Minh City! A dear friend of mine is coming to Vietnam soon. We met online (RIP Twitter) about 10 y...
— mikecorea 2023-11-06 07:50:12
I am not saying I got ripped off
I recently did some work for a teacher training center that I’d worked for in the past. I’ve worked for them many times over a period of many years. Those of you who know me might know exactly...
— mikecorea 2023-02-10 15:04:37
Interview with Thomas Farrell
Dr. Thomas Farrell is truly someone who needs no introduction especially for those of us in TESOL and interested in reflection. His website, Reflective Inquiry, shares his (many!) contributions to...
— mikecorea 2023-01-25 09:56:51
How is that working out for you?
Around 10 years ago there was this group of guys (and, yes, it was all men) who always often presented about the same topic at events in the biggest TESOL organization in the country I resided in a...
— mikecorea 2022-03-25 10:17:47
Interview with Pete Clements
I had the idea earlier this year to do some more interviews on this here blog so I tweeted about it and encouraged people to get in touch. Pete Clements responded and wrote, “Don’t really know...
— mikecorea 2022-03-07 13:35:41

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Jim Tittsler 🗼  @jimt
I don't think UTAS was ever an #OERu partner, but they did host the 2014 in-person meeting (after an Australian OER symposium). I didn't get to attend the meeting, but I walked past the venue...

Stephen  @stephenharlow
@cogdog I did install your ds106bank theme at and talked with the good folks at the #OERu about their #NZEXT101 course but because my audience is...

Stephen  @stephenharlow
@cogdog I did install your ds106bank theme at and talked with the good folks at the #OERu about their #NZEXT101 course but because my audience is...

Dave Lane  @lightweight
This is test category for WEnotes: This is another post to see if @cogdog ’s Fediverse follow is working…

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