Belize/sub-page/Learning Styles
After completing this session you will be able to:
VARK tells you something about yourself that you may or may not know. It can be used to understand your boss, your colleagues, your parents, your teacher, your relatives and yourself. It is a short, simple inventory that has been well-received because its dimensions are intuitively understood and its applications are practical. It has helped people understand each other and especially students to learn more effectively and teachers to become more sensitive to the diversity of teaching strategies necessary to reach all students.
You begin this session by going to the VARK website and completing a questionnaire to find out your learning preferences. We will explain the steps to access the questionnaire in this manual. Alternatively, you may log into Moodle and proceed to Unit 1 and follow the instructions there.
The VARK questionnaire
- Please go to the VARK website, read the instructions and complete the on-line questionnaire.
After completing the questionnaire, you should receive scores and an indication of your learning style. Record your scores in your notebooks as you will be required to discuss and compare scores with other GSTU 101 students in synchronous group discussions.