BaCCC/Video Summaries/What Is a Carbon Footprint? How to Calculate and Reduce It?

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Video Summary

What Is a Carbon Footprint? How to Calculate and Reduce It? (7:15)

  • A carbon footprint is the amount of CO2 equivalent that is released into the atmosphere as a result of our activities.
  • There are many websites that calculate your carbon footprint by factoring in your food, clothes, gadgets, etc.
  • We can reduce our carbon footprint through carbon offsets and by addressing its root causes.
  • It is important to note that offsetting does not keep the fossil fuels or carbon in the ground; it just transfers the problem onto another project somewhere else in the world.
  • Carbon offsets should be seen as a great way to fund tree planting and renewable energy projects around the world in order to transition away from fossil fuels, but not as a long-term solution.
  • Examples of addressing the root causes include living in a smaller home, improving its insulation, using less electricity, walking and biking, using an electric vehicle, flying less, eating less meat and being smart with investments.
  • The 10% of the population that earns the most money have just about the same collective carbon footprint as the other 90%, so it is the entire system that is dysfunctional.
  • The best way to reduce our carbon footprint is to take action and vote for those who will help create the new systems that we need.