BaCCC/Video Summaries/What Is Climate Justice? 2

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Video Summary

What Is Climate Justice? (4:22, especially after 2:47)

  • Social justice is a crucial piece of the climate conversation.
  • Climate justice means recognising the historical responsibilities of the crisis and that those who are most affected are the least responsible.
  • The most affected people and areas (or MAPA) include the poorest people, marginalised communities, Indigenous communities, women and LGBTQ+ people, and these people are the hardest hit.
  • Governments need to introduce strong corporate accountability legislation to reduce the balance of power, which is currently in favour of corporations and against communities and people.
  • Legislation must uphold the rights of Indigenous peoples and communities safeguarding forests, because they are our last line of defence against corporate destruction.
  • The most affected communities need to have an influence over climate policy decisions, because they play an essential role in finding real solutions to the climate emergency.
  • We cannot turn the tide on the climate crisis without making human rights and lasting global equity central to the solution.