BaCCC/Video Summaries/What Is Climate Justice?

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Video Summary

What Is Climate Justice? (2:54)

  • Climate justice refers to the liberation of the most oppressed. It is about safeguarding the Global South from the impacts of climate change that are being experienced predominantly by black, brown and poor people.
  • The climate crisis has been caused by four root causes: capitalism, colonialism, racism and patriarchy.
  • In addition, a principle of climate justice is that climate action is only fair if it strives to achieve social and economic equality within and between countries.
  • Climate justice recognises that those least responsible for climate change are the ones likely to experience the most impact with the least ability to adapt.
  • Climate justice addresses the links between climate change and inequalities between class, race and gender in order to strive for a more equitable future.
  • Climate justice focuses power away from governments and big business by listening to and standing in solidarity with the grassroots movements and those affected the most by climate change, including the Global South, small island states, Indigenous people, migrants and refugees and those living in poverty anywhere in the world, as well as organisations that are addressing inequalities experienced by women and young people.