BaCCC/Video Summaries/Vanessa Nakate (Uganda): Voices of Change: Climate Change Is About the People

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Video Summary

5. Vanessa Nakate (Uganda): Voices of Change: Climate Change Is About the People | United Nations (5:48)

  • Climate change is more than statistics, data points or net-zero targets; it is about the people.
  • Africa produces a very small fraction of the global greenhouse gas emissions; yet climate change threatens to expose up to 118 million of the poorest Africans to droughts, floods and extreme heat by 2030.
  • Africa is on the frontlines of the climate crisis but not on the front pages of the world’s newspapers.
  • Globally, climate change can push up to 130 million people into poverty over the next ten years, unravelling many hard-won development gains.
  • When talking about poverty eradication, we look at how the climate crisis is pushing millions of people into poverty traps, and so it will be impossible to eradicate poverty without climate justice.
  • Women and girls are often the first to feel the effects of climate change when they are forced to travel longer distances to find water and sacrifice more to feed their families.
  • Climate change could lead to the displacement of more than 200 million people by 2050, undermining global peace, security and prosperity.
  • Climate change is about how people are impacted when it comes to education, gender equality, poverty, hunger, peace and health.
  • Developed countries have fallen short in their commitment to deliver US$100 billion a year for developing countries to adapt to and mitigate the devastating impact of climate change.
  • For every dollar the world invests in climate resilience, the benefits are estimated to be six-fold.
  • Money will be useless on a dead planet.