BaCCC/Video Summaries/This Is Just How Unfair Climate Change Is

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Video Summary

This Is Just How Unfair Climate Change Is (10:10)

  • Climate justice is linked to social justice, racial justice, gender justice and intergenerational justice.
  • In order to understand climate justice, one has to understand climate injustice.
  • Comparing the amount of carbon emitted by various countries over the years shows that countries in the Global South, such as Nigeria and India, emit very little carbon dioxide compared to countries in the Global North, such as China, Germany and the USA.
  • The rich countries, however, have not yet accepted the injustice of climate change. The inequalities that brought about the climate change crisis are not being dealt with sufficiently.
  • Research indicates that the rich countries have outspent their carbon budgets by far. The Global North contributes 92% of CO2 to the atmosphere, pushing the planet beyond safe levels.
  • Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America have contributed only 8%.
  • Those who contribute the least to the climate change problem are the ones suffering the most from the impacts of climate change.
  • The unequal emissions are the main reason why activists shout for climate justice.