BaCCC/Video Summaries/The Energy Africa Needs to Develop – and Fight Climate Change

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Video Summary

The Energy Africa Needs to Develop – and Fight Climate Change (6:50)

  • Across the globe, there is energy inequality.
  • The wealthy take for granted the fact that everyone should fight climate change exactly the same way.
  • The carbon budget is an estimation of the total emissions that our planet’s atmosphere can safely absorb, and Africa must be prioritised when it comes to what is left in the carbon budget.
  • Africa needs to be allowed to produce more carbon in the short term so that it can grow, while the rich world needs to drastically cut its emissions.
  • Africa is not the culprit of climate change; it is the victim.
  • Africa needs more energy to fight climate change, not less, because everyone must get to a zero-carbon future.
  • To respond to extreme weather, Africa will need more resilient infrastructure.
  • Imposing mitigation on the world’s poor is widening economic inequality.
  • Because of its climate vulnerability, Africa’s climate fight is about adaptation, not resilience.
  • Africa and other poor nations deserve to get the balance of what is remaining in the world’s carbon budget.