BaCCC/Video Summaries/How We Can Adapt to Climate Change – All Over the World?

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Video Summary

How We Can Adapt to Climate Change – All Over the World? (5:15)

  • No matter where you live, you have probably felt the effects of climate change in some way, whether through flooding, heatwaves, crop failures or water shortages.
  • Adaptation means reducing our vulnerability to rising sea levels, extreme weather and food shortages, as well as benefitting from new advantages, such as longer growing seasons and increased crop yields.
  • We urgently need to step up our efforts to adapt, because the impact of global warming is only going to increase.
  • Leaders in government and business need to radically rethink how they make decisions, and they should understand and take account of the risks of climate change in their plans, policies and investments.
  • Each and every one of us has a part to play; our actions can be cheap and practical.
  • Adaptation will pay off for all of us; it will save lives, protect nature, reduce inequalities and create new opportunities.