BaCCC/Video Summaries/How Do Corporations Influence Decisions on Climate Action?

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Video Summary

How Do Corporations Influence Decisions on Climate Action? (3:39)

  • Our elected leaders are stuck in toxic friendships with the companies fuelling the climate crisis.
  • Fossil fuel companies have a clear vested interest in delaying progress, maintaining the status quo and protecting their profits.
  • Banks influence the talks, which is evident in the fact that they provided more than $44 billion in finance to agribusinesses linked to the destruction of the Amazon.
  • Those who should be involved in all major climate decisions are the ones defending the natural environment – those communities dedicated to averting climate breakdown.
  • When politicians are listening to the very people who are profiting from the climate crisis and not the ones trying to solve it, we know the system is broken.
  • Destructive companies must be removed from global climate talks to end their influence so that we can quickly transition to a green economy.
  • Land and environmental defenders must be included and prioritised in all climate policy decision-making.